April reading round up

April feels like it was a long month. Looking at what I read at the beginning of the month, these seem a good while ago. So here’s what I got through in April. Joe Country – Mick Herron I started this month as I finished the last, with Mick Herron’s dodgy spies at Slough House.… Continue reading April reading round up

March round up

This has felt like a long grey month. You’ll spot a theme in the reading – unintended to start with but which has been quietly absorbing. Lila – Marilynne Robinson Lila is the third book in Robinson’s Gilead series, which began with Gilead, the story an old man, John Ames, writes for his son about… Continue reading March round up

October reading round up

Oh what a month. My daughter was admitted into hospital for a burst appendix and as such, I’ve spent much of the time being with her for recovery and feeling guilty for not going into the office – turns out the flexible hybrid working still comes with a side helping of guilt – and reading… Continue reading October reading round up

Review: Mrs Porter Calling – AJ Pearce

Mrs Porter Calling is the third book in AJ Pearce’s glorious series The Emmy Lake Chronicles. Readers of this blog may know of my regard for this series, which is set in the Second World War and features Emmy Lake and her friend Bunty, young girls trying to make their way through the war. Dear… Continue reading Review: Mrs Porter Calling – AJ Pearce

Review: Rootless by Krystle Zara Appiah

Rootless is Appiah’s debut novel and it’s an accomplished rollercoaster of emotions. I had been in a review rut – nothing I’d chosen on Netgalley had really done it for me recently and I always feel a bit guilty when this happens as I do try to give positive feedback when I can. Thank goodness,… Continue reading Review: Rootless by Krystle Zara Appiah

February reading round up

February. Like January but shorter and with more people trying so very hard to call it spring and blithely ignoring the Arctic windchill factor. Fools. Bring on March. I’ve read a lot this month! Here’s the rundown: Hotel Milano – Tim Parks I always look at Tim Parks books thinking I like them and then… Continue reading February reading round up

Review: Starling by Sarah Jane Butler

Some years ago I was on a writing course with what was then the Unthank School and one of my classmates was Sarah Jane Butler who was starting to write a book – that book has become Starling. Starling and her mother Mar are travellers, moving around the country, living off the land, and often… Continue reading Review: Starling by Sarah Jane Butler